Core Academic Courses

CIVA Charter High School is well-known for the strong educational foundation that we provide our students. Our educational focus is accompanied by a warm and engaging culture that inspires students to be the best that they can be. We offer a myriad of college prep courses & classes in Colorado Springs, from Business and Technology to Economics and English. Our advanced class selection allows for our school to be considered a college prep charter high school.

Whether a student is looking for a highly advanced college preparatory high school experience or more of a specialized, arts-focused education, CIVA is the best place for them to be encouraged in their individual growth.

The Importance of College Preparatory Courses:

Colleges are going to consider the courses that are taken throughout a student’s high school years. Many times, when colleges are considering students they will take the average grades from the core academic classes taken versus incorporating the grades from elective courses. Many colleges want to see or will require credits in either visual arts classes or performing arts classes, foreign language, or computer skills. CIVA offers a wide variety of both the core academic courses as well as some of the more specialized courses that colleges would want to see from a student’s high school experience.

College preparatory courses challenge students to engage in learning above the high school level. Our college prep courses prepare high school students for collegiate learning while building key foundational skills in studying techniques, organization, time management, and high-level learning which all work to prepare students for success beyond high school. The college prep courses and classes in Colorado Springs are just one reason that CIVA is considered a great prep charter high school in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Discover more information on our college prep courses & classes in Colorado Springs below.

For additional academic pursuit, learn more about CIVA’s honors & advanced placement courses.



Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit per Semester: 2.0 Prerequisite: None
(Computer requirement)
Students will learn to use different computer applications such as MS Office, MS Movie Maker, Adobe Photoshop and AppInvent. This course is designed to increase student’s computer skills and knowledge. Practical applications for personal and business use are stressed in the areas of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 12
Credit per Semester: 3.0 Prerequisite: None
(Economics requirement, Practical Arts, or Elective)
Principles of Economics includes, but is not limited to, basic concepts of economic theory and its application to national, state, and local issues. Topics include the basic concepts of economics, micro-economic issues, macro-economic issues and international economic issues.


Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 9
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None
(English requirement)

English 1, 2 is an introductory English course taught at our Colorado Springs prep school that will focus on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and proper classroom decorum. In this college prep class, students will be expected to demonstrate a basic understanding of literary terms and essay writing. An academic emphasis will be placed on short stories, novels, poetry, literary terms and the five paragraphs persuasive and expository essays format. Formal assessments will be coupled with creative writing assignments to allow students to practice and apply the terms they learn.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 10
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: English 1, 2
(English requirement)

English 3, 4 is an English course that will focus on the application of the reading/writing fundamentals and classroom skills learned in English 1, 2. English 3, 4 students will be expected to apply proper classroom decorum to lectures, class discussions and cooperative group learning. In addition to applying literary/poetic terms, students will expand beyond writing a well-structured five paragraph persuasive and expository essay.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 11
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: English 1, 2, 3, 4
(English requirement)

In this year of English, CIVA prep charter high school students build upon the fundamentals of writing and various literary genres to not only comprehend, but to find their own method, or voice, for effective written and verbal communication. This college prep course is meant to prepare students for the SAT as well as give them an introduction to college level reading and writing.

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Senior status
(Senior English, Humanities, Elective)

In this year of English, students explore major movements in American Literature as a tool to master the fundamentals of reading, comprehension and writing. Covering the genres of essay, short story, poetry and plays, the students will learn to identify, analyze, critique and apply each genre’s techniques to their own writing. Much of this course will be based upon writing workshops and group discussion.

Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Senior status
(Senior English, Humanities, or Elective)
Senior English 8 is a survey course taught at CIVA prep charter high school that will be dedicated to the learning of the elements of drafting and delivering speeches of an informative, impromptu, persuasive storytelling and demonstrative nature. In this college prep course, we will also examine mock debates, trials, spoken word poetry and how to develop our skills as orators as well as effective listening skills.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit per Semester: 2.0 Prerequisite: None
(Health requirement)

This course will influence attitudes toward health that will promote respect for the human mind and body and the factors which foster optimum healthful living. Good health shall be identified as mental, social, and physical wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Emphasis will be placed on developing self-esteem and positive interpersonal relationships. The students will be encouraged to explore the emerging health information and develop the ability to weigh the validity of such information for application to their existing health status.


Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 9
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None
(Math requirement or Elective)

This CIVA course focuses on mathematics topics including vocabulary, skills and applications to real-life and mathematical situations where students develop critical thinking skills and problem solving techniques.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 11, 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Algebra 1,2 and Geometry 1,2
(Math requirement or Elective)

This course follows the approach of making mathematics relevant by using math skills in a problem solving environment. The concepts developed in first year Algebra are reviewed, strengthened, and enriched. The course may include the following concepts: complex number systems, graphing, relations and functions, systems of equations, polynomial functions, determinants, logarithmic and exponential series and sequences, functions, analytic geometry, conic sections, matrices and probability.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Senior status or teacher approval
(Math requirement or Elective)
AP Calculus AB is the study of limits, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, as well as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Consistent with AP philosophy, concepts will be expressed and analyzed geometrically, numerically, analytically, and verbally.

Course Length: 2 Semester Grade: 12
Credit per semester 5.0
Prerequisite: Algebra Investigations 1, 2, Geometry Investigations 1,2 and Algebra 3,4
(Math requirement or Elective)

CIVA prep school's consumer math covers a variety of math skills necessary to be an informed consumer. The college prep course also delves into personal finance topics such as interest rates, taxes as well as saving and borrowing.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 10
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, 2,
(Math requirement or Elective)

This course introduces students to the process of logical reasoning through the use of inductive and deductive reasoning in geometry. Included in CIVA's college prep class, the curriculum is transformational and coordinate geometry as well as geometric vocabulary and theorems, measurement, angles, lines, planes, polygons, circles, probability and statistics, proportional reasoning, and right triangle trigonometry. It will provide students with the basic concepts involving geometric figures and emphasize the numeral relationships among them.


Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None.
(Math requirement or Elective)

Course Description:  This CIVA prep charter high school course is designed to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of mathematic concepts, acquisition of basic math skills, and their application to everyday living.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 12
Credit per Semester 5.0 Prerequisite: Algebra 3,4 and teacher approval
(Math requirement or Elective)
The student who is planning to take math courses in college should take this course. This college preparatory class offers an analytical and cohesive study of concepts introduced in previous courses and introduces new topics such as relations, functions, trigonometry and analytical geometry. Theory and rigor are stressed in this college prep course to better prepare students for collegiate courses.


Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 10
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Phys Science/Earth/Space 1, 2
(Science or Elective)
This course is designed to provide students with the key biological concepts to meet state and district standards. Investigation topics include cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, select body systems and ecological interactions among organisms. Students will learn biology skills and processes including problem solving, critical thinking and hands-on laboratory experiences.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 11, 12
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: Phys Science/Earth/Space 1, 2 and Biology 1, 2 and Algebra 3,4 completed or concurrent.
This is a quantitative and descriptive science that deals with the composition of matter, the change of composition of matter, and the energy involved in the changes. Chemistry is also concerned with the properties and structure of matter. Instruction includes laboratory activities and problem solving skills, which lead to increased interest in mathematics, sciences, and engineering, as well as preparation for college programs in these areas.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 9
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None

This course is designed to provide students with a foundation for the basic concepts of physical science including heat, light and sound, Newton’s laws, periodic table, physical and chemical properties, chemical bonding and reactions, atomic structure and conservations of mass and energy. In the areas of earth and space sciences, students will explore the basic concepts of geology meteorology, astronomy and space science and oceanography.


Course Length: 1 Semester Grade: 11, 12
Credits per Semester: 3.0 Required Prerequisite: None
(American Government requirement)
The opportunity for most United States citizens to acquire the knowledge and dispositions essential for informed effective citizenship is during their school years. Therefore, United States Government is designed to enhance responsible and informed participation in civic life. As a Colorado Springs prep school, CIVA's course will incorporate the Colorado Civics content standards, and key themes will include the purpose of government and heritage of United States government, comparative governments, the Constitution as a living document, political parties, citizenship rights and responsibilities, state and local government, and government relations to world affairs.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 10
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None
(American History Requirement)

This survey course emphasizes major developments in the history and the heritage of the United States during Reconstruction to the current 21st Century. Standards in history and geography are emphasized as well as an understanding of how past events shape our future.

Course Length: 2 Semesters Grade: 9
Credit per Semester: 5.0 Prerequisite: None
(Social Studies)

This survey course emphasizes major developments in the history and the heritage of the World’s civilizations beginning with Ancient Greece and continuing to the 21st Century. The subject matter will consist of cultures, government types, and progress of nations, global interdependence, and modern world problems. Standards in history and geography are emphasized as well as an understanding of how past events relate to current events.